
An illustration of A vial of Rocuronium Bromide in orange with a Victorian era syringe engraved with the words,” Medical Assistance in Dying.” In an art deco frame. The frame consists of a small marquee at the top with an image of the artist and the main image below. The text “I am a person with a disability.’ Sits at the top of the illustration. The word “Disability” is in all caps and is colored Orange. The text “#Not A Cure” is at the bottom of the illustration with the text in all caps and colored Orange The syringe is metal with a glass window at the center of the cylinder. The Vial is clear with a red cap and a white and orange label. The text on the label,” Rocuronium Bromide Injection 50mg/5ml, Paralyzing Agent Paralyzing, For I.V. Use Only / Pour Administration I.V. seulement Sterile Solution Sterile

October 20, 2021